Forwarded, Revised ACTION ALERT:
This Action Alert was originally from Maine Disability Alerts, however it has been updated with more information and links to past Coalition Action Alerts for convenience.
Some US Senators are trying one last time to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), the Cassidy-Graham bill includes many of the harmful provisions from the House’s American Health Care Act (AHCH) and the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), including the per capita caps and block granting that would ultimately take millions of dollars out of Medicaid. (follow this link for information from previous action alerts; follow this link for information from CBPP on the bill)
Now is the time to contact Senator Collins, thank her for her support in opposing previous efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and ask her to:
- Please vote against the Cassidy-Graham bill; and
- Please oppose any restructuring of Medicaid, such as block grants, per capita caps, or anything similar, because they would restrict MaineCare’s ability to give people, including people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, the care they need. Our growing waitlists demonstrate that we have insufficient resources already.
Contacting Senator Collins is easy – Simply click here and you’ll be on the contact section of Senator Collins' website. On the left-hand side of the screen, there is a simple form –type in your name, address, email, and your comments in the space provided. Your comments don’t have to be long and your message can be simple. Please take a few minutes now to tell your story and appeal to Senator Collins.
You can also call Senator Collins’ office and deliver this same message:
- Senator Collins: D.C. office: 202-224-2521
- Portland Office: Portland 207-780-3575
- Augusta Office: 207-622-8414
- Bangor Office: 207-945-0417
- Caribou Office: 207-493-7873
- Biddeford Office: 207-283-1101
- Lewiston Office: 207-784-6969
Thank you for your collective advocacy.