Attention Providers of Section 21 Agency Home Support: Information About Staffing ThresholdsAppendix K to Maine’s Home and Community-Based Services 1915(c) waivers provided flexibilities in waiver program operations during an emergency. Most recently, under those emergency provisions, Section 21 group homes have been allowed to operate at 85% of authorized staffing levels. As of July 1, 2024, minimum staffing levels revert to the pre-pandemic standard of 92.5% of authorized levels.
The Department has reviewed group home staffing data and labor market conditions, including Maine’s continuing low unemployment rate, and has concluded that many providers may not meet the 92.5% standard by July 1, potentially putting services at risk for some Section 21 participants. Therefore, the Department will exercise its enforcement discretion on staffing levels for the next six months as it continues to monitor labor market conditions. Through December 31, 2024, the Department will not enforce the 92.5% standard, as long as the provider maintains at least 85% of authorized staffing and can ensure the health and safety of residents. Questions on this notice may be sent to [email protected]. |
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