A Public hearing was held on 1/27 in front of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee for LD 1984, "An Act To Eliminate Waiting Lists for Home and Community-based Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Brain Injury and Other Related Conditions" It is not too late to submit written testimony online and/or contact members of the HHS Committee. Please consider taking action to show your support for this bill, and there are a couple easy ways in which you can do so:
Additionally, LD 399, "An Act To Align Wages for Direct Care Workers for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism with the Minimum Wage" passed last year but was on the Special Appropriations Table awaiting funding when the Legislature adjourned last session. This bill would set MaineCare reimbursement rates for direct service providers (DSP) for adults with intellectual disabilities or autism at least 125% of the state minimum wage. The bill was carried over into the Second Legislative Session and currently sits with the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee. If the DSP rates remain something about which you’re concerned, and you believe they ought to be set at 125% of minimum wage, you might consider reaching out to members of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee advocating for this bill’s passage. You can contact Members of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee via the email addresses below:
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