Forwarded Action Alert: Proposed Changes to Child Developmental Services (CDS) - Family Input Needed3/18/2022
Forwarded Action Alert from Maine Parent Federation:
Family Voice Needed Call to Action - Family Voice Needed Proposed Changes to Child Developmental Services (CDS) Will Greatly Impact Children with Special Needs Ages 0-5 Maine’s Department of Education (MDOE) has proposed legislation which will greatly impact services delivered by CDS. The proposal lacks sufficient detail, does not address significant concerns of stakeholders, and proposes a timeline that could be devastating for children, families, providers, schools, and taxpayers. What does the proposal do? The proposed legislation by MDOE would end CDS’s oversight of a Free & Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and the related services for children ages 3-5 and move both to the local School Administrative Unit (SAU) as of July, 1 2023. How will this impact your family? This aggressive timeline does not sufficiently address the impact on children and families. It could mean less parental choice in where and how your child receives services, a compromised Least Restrictive Environment (the ability for your child to receive their services within their community with their typically developing peers), and cause confusing transitions between CDS and local School Administrative Units. There are also no processes for contracting with childcare providers or Head Start centers. This could make obtaining childcare close to home or work challenging. Finally, there is no detailed plan for School Administrative Unit readiness which include funding, staffing or transportation. Ensuring that School Administrative Units are ready and able to provide quality services which are appropriate and available is important. What can you do? Your voice is critical and time is not on our side. The Education and Cultural Affairs Committee is meeting on Wednesday, 3/23 at 9:30am to review draft legislation regarding this. Please contact your Senators, Representatives and the Educational and Cultural Affairs Committee; when emailing the committee please include Committee Clerk, Elias Murphy. Your statement does not have to be detailed. Speak to how the changes will impact your family and ask them to slow the process down to explore other options to meet the needs of children without doing harm. Please direct questions to Carrie Woodcock. at [email protected] Maine Parent Federation| Maine Parent Federation, Inc. | PO Box 2067, Augusta, ME 04338 207-588-1933 |
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