Forwarded Action Alert: Public Hearing 3/13 LD 886- Please ask VLA to make it easier for us to vote3/3/2023
Forwarded Action Alert from Maine Disability Alerts:
On Mon March 13 at 10 am, the Veterans and Legal Affairs (VLA) Committee of the Maine Legislature will hold public hearing on LD 886, “An Act to Allow Clerks to Issue Absentee Ballots After the 3rd Business Day Before Election Day to Voters Who Have a Nonphysical Disability and Voters Who Support a Person with a Disability”. Please consider testifying via zoom, in writing, and/or in person (437 State House, Augusta) to make easier for folks like us to vote. Background:
To testify:
If you checked the ‘testify via zoom’ link then you’ll get a zoom link emailed to you. On hearing day you’ll be able to attend as a participant (who can’t talk or turn camera on) until shortly before it’s your turn to testify. When it’s your turn, they’ll “promote” you to a “participant”. Your zoom might look like you’ve lost the connection just momentarily, but then you’ll reappear as a regular participant who can unmute, turn on camera, etc. And you can tell the committee what you think about LD 886. (Senator Hickman, Representative Supica, and Distinguished members of the VLA Committee) There are four bills scheduled for the 10 am public hearing, with two more bills scheduled for 11 am. So connect at 10, but be prepared to wait for about an hour if take up the other bills first. |
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