Tell Congress:
We MUST Fund Disability Services Take Action Now We need thousands of stories to tell Congress that people with disabilities deserve the supports and services to live independently in their communities! Right now, Congress is deciding how much money to include for home and community-based services (HCBS) in the #BetterCareBetterJobs Act. HCBS provide critical support for people with disabilities by paying for things like employment supports, getting around the community, dressing and bathing, taking medication, and much more. Without funding for HCBS, many people are stuck on waiting lists, direct support professionals are underpaid, and more people end up in institutions and nursing homes. The original #BetterCareBetterJobs proposal included $400 billion for HCBS, and it has already been cut in HALF. Help us show Congress why #CareCantWait by sharing your story about HCBS now. Thank you for your advocacy – together we will fight for the full inclusion of people with disabilities! Already shared your story and ready to do more?
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