Dear disability advocate,
Leading up to the February 11th primary, New Hampshire will be busy with many presidential candidate events. ANCOR will be in New Hampshire the week of November 4 to support providers and the people we support to participate in town halls and rallies that will be hosted by the 2020 presidential candidates. The goal is to get the issues important to us in front of the candidates while they are in New Hampshire campaigning. See ANCOR’s Talking Points. New Hampshire Public Radio’s events calendar is a good tool to track events, and the calendar is already pretty full. For example, in the past 24 hours, we’ve already attended a meet-and-greet with John Delaney in Manchester and a house party with Tulsi Gabbard in Exeter. Are you available to attend an event or two? If so:
If you can’t participate this week but have time between now and the February 11th primary, you can reach out to Sean Luechtefeld, Communications Director for ANCOR, at [email protected] or 703.535.7850 x100. Background Reading You can find the Included. Supported. Empowered. Medium publication here. There, you’ll note a handful of stories that we’re slowly but surely adding to (we welcome guest contributions!), but of particular note, I’d call your attention to the first three installments in a series on DRCNH’s candidate survey. Another helpful read is this Quartz op-ed, in which self-advocate Bill Krebs (an ANCOR member in PA who ANCOR supported to place this op-ed) argues for the engagement of people with disabilities by 2020 hopefuls. |
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