Registration Closes Next Week!
MACSP's Spring Conference Is Your Compliance House In Order? Tuesday, March 24th, 2020 REGISTER HERE PRESENTER HIGHLIGHT Workplace Safety - OSHA Representatives from the Federal Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration will present on topics that include:
Dave McGuan, CSP: Dave’s education includes a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a Certified Safety Professional with 37 years of experience in the occupational safety and health field. Eighteen of those years were in the Pulp and Paper Industry, and the remainder with the Federal Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. He is currently the Area Director managing operations in OSHA’s two offices located in Maine. Nancy Keune, CSHO, IH: Nancy’s education includes a BA in International Business & Economics and Biology. She has worked for Walt Disney World, Johnson & Johnson, and state crime laboratories of Ohio and Maine. She has worked for the last five years as an industrial hygienist for the Federal Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in Maine and conducted inspections and employee personal sampling for various hazardous chemicals including silica, asbestos, and lead. Nancy recently worked to create an Alliance between OSHA, SafetyWorks! and the Maine School of Masonry focusing on silica, respiratory protection and hazard communication. Le Club Calumet 334 West River Road Augusta, Maine $99 for MACSP members $125 Non-MACSP members Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch! Morning Sessions State Fire Marshal Workplace Safety - OSHA Afternoon Sessions Cyber-Security Department of Labor Target Audience: Compliance Officers, Supervisors, Program and Executive Managers, Maintenance, Human Resources, Payroll Staff Room Block at Senator Inn (call and ask for the MACSP rate of $79) This event would not be possible without the kindness of our sponsors. Thank you. |
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