OADS Proposed HCBS Lifespan Waiver: Family/Guardian/Youth Stakeholder Info and Listening Session10/17/2023
Proposed HCBS Lifespan Waiver: Announcing a Family/Guardian/Youth Stakeholder Informational and Listening Session
Please join the Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) and Maine Parent Federation (MPF) as we receive questions and comments in a listening session. The session is oriented toward families and youth (14-22 years old) who are currently managing or anticipating a transition to adult services. We would like to hear about the challenges this group faces and also hear input to how the proposed Lifespan waiver could offer resources to improve this experience. This Zoom session will also allow youth and their families to learn more about the proposed waiver concept. We will include a brief high-level review of the Lifespan design and updates based on feedback from the Concept Paper comment period. Please use the link below to register for the Zoom session. Dates/Times:
https://mainestate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-2rqT4oGt1NdfO2nj5KoLeouCv1pFcp |
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