SAVE THE DATE A Virtual Event Celebrating Employment First in Maine October 13, 2020 Dr. Lisa Mills 9:30 – 12:00 noon We are pleased to have Dr. Mills share Maine’s history of supported employment. Join us to look at where we have been, what opportunities we currently have and plans for moving forward to increase access and opportunities for employment for Mainers with disabilities. Zoom Registration coming soon! to learn about the Employment First Maine Statute and the work of the Employment First Coalition, including the Recommendations for Maine. Dr. Lisa A. Mills has been a consultant in the field of disability for 29 years with a primary focus on community services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She is currently a consultant on Medicaid home and community-based services, long-term care disability policy, managed long-term services and supports and Employment First systems change. She has worked in Maine and twenty other states over the past 14 years on Medicaid waiver renewals, Medicaid 1115 demonstration waivers, policy and rate/reimbursement models, supporting service provider capacity-building and engaging other state systems as critical partners with Medicaid. Dr. Mills was also the Subject Matter Expert on an Office of Disability Policy Technical Assistance Grant on employment in Maine. |
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