Meeting Presentation Topics
Click on any of the topics below for the corresponding minutes!
An overview of Tech-First Service Delivery (Assistive Technology, Remote and Virtual Supports, use of Just-In-Time staff vs. Just-In-Case staff
Youth Self Advocacy: The Key to Long-Term Success
An overview of a series of brief videos on autism and internet safety
An update on Maine’s plan to transition oversight of educational plans for preschool-aged children with disabilities from the Child Developmental Services (CDS) agency to the local public-school systems
An update on the Transition Liaison Project and the Community Resource Coordinators; Information on digital storytelling, including an upcoming digital stories workshop, and presenting Journey with Jake by Charmaine Daniels; The State of Maine’s Dental System for people with ID/DD.
2024 MDSOAB Annual Forum
An overview of the Benefits Counseling Services Program, including a pilot project in preparation for the Lifespan Waiver; Wrap-up of the Second Session of the 131st Legislature, including the enacted Supplemental Budget and what bills were enacted pertaining to the continuum of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
ThriveTogether Maine: This is a collaboration between DRM, SUFU, MACSP, & MECASA. DRM received a "Disability Grant" from the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, which is designed to support agencies to improve their systems to help survivors of sexual violence with disabilities. In order to make system improvements, there is a need to look at what the current system looks like through a needs assessment. Join members of the ThriveTogether Collaboration to learn about how to be a part of the assessment process.
An overview of OADS' housing-related initiatives and related discussion
It’s your life, your voice, your choice! Digital storytelling video sharing- It’s Worth the Fight, Alyssa Live, Chasing Your Dreams with Anna McDougal, Your vote, every vote!
An introduction to the Second Session of the 131st Legislature, including bills to watch, what to expect, and the ways people can advocate to effect positive change in the Legislative Session
Part 2 of the overview of the new history of website: Shadows of Pineland
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine Integrated Studies Program; Massachusetts General Hospital Lurie Center for Autism presenting on their Depression and Down syndrome study
An update on the transition liaison project and information about a new pilot to help inform lifespan support for transition-age youth and their families
Supported Decision-Making
An overview of the results of the First Regular Session of the 131st Legislature and what to expect in the Second Session
In-depth overview of the new history of website Shadows of Pineland; Overview of the 2023 Maine KIDS COUNT Data Book
An overview of WheelPad and how it is expanding options for accessibility in housing for people with disabilities; 2023 MDSOAB Annual Forum (part 2 of 2)
2023 MDSOAB Annual Forum (part 1 of 2); an overview of federal policy, storytelling as a tool for advocacy, and supported decision-making
Priorities and key bills related to the system of care for people with ID/DD in the First Regular Session of the 131st Legislature
Overview of Biennial Budget initiatives as they pertain to Children’s Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) and a review of the annual CBHS Report
Overview of the Governor's Biennial Budget as it pertains to DHHS-OADS and an overview of two Department bills in the Legislature; DHHS-OADS Quality Assurance
Overview of the ID/DD budgets over the past few years, as background for the upcoming Biennial Budget. And, an overview of OADS’ plan to improve access to behavioral health supports
Updates from the Maine Developmental Disabilities Council and various initiatives they have underway, including a survey on a toolkit about protecting rights and promoting choices
Crisis Prevention/Intervention Services (CPIS) Program Overview
An update on the transition work between Children’s Behavioral Health Services and the Office of Aging and Disability Services to optimize transitions; An update on the LD 924 Task Force, including the 2022 Report
An overview of the Benefits Counseling Services Program
Overview of the Recent Department of Justice (DOJ) Finding regarding Maine being in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Olmstead for the over-institutionalization of children with disabilities
2022 Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) Annual Forum
Wrap up of the Second Regular Session of the 130th Legislature; and a group discussion on The power to do nothing - the dark side of never doing anything you don’t want to do. A free-form discussion discussing how people can benefit from nudges from direct support staff, family members, and other members of the community to encouraging better decision-making so everyone has the opportunity to live healthy, full lives and be included in their communities
An update on the transition work between CBHS and OADS to optimize transitions
Maine Direct Care Professional Focus Group Report; and OADS Portability and Advancement Training Initiative Presentation and Listening Session
Sharing Life Experiences to Increase Understanding through Digital Storytelling - “Jay and Alan”, “Shoes”, and “Rock Life”; and LD 924 Task Force Parent-to-Parent Survey results
An introduction to the Second Session of the 130th Legislature, including bills to watch, what to expect, and the ways people can advocate to effect positive change in the Legislative Session
The DD Council’s new State Plan, National Core Indicators outcomes, and a preview of upcoming attractions regarding the ABLE act; and COVID-19 Continued Basics, including the importance of masking, social distancing, testing & vaccination, updates on treatment options, as well as ongoing social service supports
Part 2 of what’s going on at OADS, including additional updates and a question/answer session with Paul and Betsy
What's going on at OADS - an overview of OADS initiatives, goals and objectives, and its vision for the future
Results of the First Session of Maine’s 130th Legislature
2021 Maine KIDS COUNT Data Book
2021 MDSOAB Annual Forum
Continued discussion on the HCBS Settings Rule and Maine’s path towards compliance; Overview of STRIVE WorldWIDE, an online program that teaches independent living skills to individuals with intellectual disabilities and Autism
HCBS Settings Rule Change Panel Discussion - Implications for programs in Maine
Final Phase II Early Childhood Special Education Independent Evaluation Report to the Legislature, and related legislation and discussion pertaining to children with ID/DD in Maine and their needs
Person Centered Planning
An overview of Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Special Needs Plans (SNPs), including the differences between the various insurance options; 130th Legislature – Legislative agenda and priorities for the system of care for people with ID/DD.
Guardianship and reporting requirements since September 2019
Remote Monitoring - An innovative way to provide services
OCFS Transition Age Youth Roadmap Development presentation and discussion
OADS update and related discussion
Update on the Public Consulting Group (PCG) Study of Child Development Services (CDS)
Special Guest the Honorable Senator Angus King Jr.; 2020 MDSOAB Annual Forum
Overview of OADS’ submitted K Waiver to CMS, what this means for service provision for people with ID/DD, and next steps; Update on OCFS Children’s Behavioral Health Services including Transition
Self-Direction 102; It Takes a Community documentary
Self-Direction 101
Update on Children's Behavioral Health - OCFS
Planning for the Legislative Session and beyond; National Core Indicators Survey
An open-ended discussion with OADS
An update on Maine's Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), including discussion on the provider self-assessment, FAQs, and OADS' continued path forward to compliance
Update on OCFS
Update on the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule; Update on Voc Rehab and Employment Services in Maine
2020 Census; 2019 Maine Kids Count Presentation and Data Book
Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) 2019 Annual Forum
APS Update and related discussion; Portland Wheelers
OADS Update and related discussion
The use of police intervention as a means of deescalating behaviors and crisis intervention
Supported Decision-Making: An alternative to guardianship
Group discussion regarding transportation; Update on the State Legislature and bills to watch this legislative session
DHHS-OADS update on dental services
The Postcard Project; children’s services, including licensing regulations updates and information on Children’s Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTFs)
Due Process - Parent Grievance and Appeals Training; and Children’s Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) and licensing regulations update.
Maine's Long-Range Transportation Plan 2050
The last resort: Life in Maine’s Emergency Rooms. A follow-up to his recent article in the Bangor Daily News, Matthew presents his research on Maine’s crisis services system for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including unmet needs, and what happens when crisis services don’t meet needs.
Part two of the Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) 2018 Annual Forum
Part one of the Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) 2018 Annual Forum
Services for people with ID/DD, Ricker Hamilton, Commissioner, DHHS
Can Plans and other effective strategies for independence.
An overview of Shared Living, an eligible service under Section 29.
Creating scaffolding - Building a framework for independence.
Jonno's Place: a new perspective on disabilities. Examining what our community and the community at large needs, and where and how these communities can coalesce.
Part four of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland. An individual who lived at Pineland will share his life experiences with the group.
Part three: A review of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland, the Consent Decree, the Consumer Advisory Board, Community Standards, and other mechanisms put in place to ensure the system of care worked well.
Part two: A review of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland, the Consent Decree, the Consumer Advisory Board, Community Standards, and other mechanisms put in place to ensure the system of care worked well.
Part one: A review of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland, and how people are working to archive and preserve this history.
Information about the SPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge) Research study; Review of the updates to the Service Timeline, completed by Jenessa Grant, NH-ME LEND program and the University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies.
Update on the 128th Maine Legislature, advocacy efforts, and ways the Coalition can take action; Review and discussion of upcoming draft proposed rule changes for Section 21.
Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board 2017 Forum
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) Section 21 Forum Presentation
Disability activism - Disability Activists and Allies of Maine
Per capita caps and their potential effect on MaineCare funding; Legislature 101 - How a bill becomes a law in Maine.
Finding your natural supports
An update on the Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) and a follow-up on the Blueprint for Effective Transition
The Direct Support Professional (DSP) shortage and steps we could take to address the issue
Proposed rule changes for Section 21 and Section 29, including how this may affect you and your family
Community Dental - How this service works in Maine
Speaking Up For Us (SUFU) and SUFU Strategic Plan; Proposed Section 21 Rule Changes
Olmstead Update – A review of Maine’s Olmstead Plan, progress made, and what comes next
2016 American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) Annual Conference overview: What is happening on a national level
Maine State Independent Living Council (SILC) and the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL); Affiliation with National Organizations; and Collaborating with OADS to build a stronger system--brainstorming some questions to increase the effectiveness of May's Forums for Individuals and Family Members
Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board 2015 Public Feedback Forums
Supported decision-making; Maine Developmental Disabilities Council five-year plan; and the Section 29 Toolkit.
Continued discussion regarding the Section 21 proposed rule changes, including specific examples of funding cuts associated with people affected by the proposed rule changes
Section 29 Toolkit
Launching Community Connect
A five year update to the famous “From Whence We Came” presentation detailing a history of the Continuum of Care over the last century; Maine Trust for People with Disabilities – Options for 1st and 3rd Party Special Needs Trusts
IBIS Remote Monitoring System for Virtual Telemedicine; Maine State Independent Living Council Three Year State Plan for Independent Living
Southern Maine Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative (ADI) Grant; National Core Indicator (NCI) Results
What's new at DHHS Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS)?
Laws pertaining to the Special Education System, and advocating to ensure needs are met within the system; Volunteer Correspondent Program (VCP)
Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) update and possibilities for Maine.
The effect of SIS rates on quality of service delivery & complex cases
Employment First; HUD Section 811 Grant Award; ABLE Act updates; SPROUT Film Festival
The future of DHHS and meet and greet with Gary Wolcott, Acting Director, DHHS Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS); Advocating for coverage of preventive dental care for MaineCare recipients of Section 21 and 29 services; and discussion and feedback regarding the proposed Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBW) changes.
Blueprint for Effective Transition
Parent-Centric Presentation on the New Service System
Career Planning Services and Issues with MaineCare and SNAP Annual Letters and termination of services
Continuing Discussion Regarding the New Service Structure (DHHS-OADS)
Transportation Services offered through LogistiCare
How Services Will Work: An Overview of the New Service Structure (DHHS-OADS)
Food Services/Culinary Arts Program - Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS)
The prevalence of Alzheimer’s in Down syndrome
Assistive Technology
Waiver Changes and the Biennial Plan & the Sprout Film Festival
Bomb Diggity Bakery & Bomb Diggity Art
Shared Living & the National Core Indicators
Planning How to Partner Around the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)
STRIVE Programs: STRIVE U, STRIVE Bayside, and Next STEP
Using Goal Analysis to Drive Improvements in Performance and Outcomes
Transition Coordination Between DHHS and all Other Systems
The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) – Soliciting feedback from parents and Coalition participants
Goodwill Lifeworks Community Support Program
Dignity of Risk
Waiver 101
Overview of the Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) and how Programming Leads to Transition and Dovetails with Adult Services
Technology – Where and how the rubber hits the road & SSI, SSDI, and Employment – How employment affects Social Security
Employment Wraparound Supports; Maine Medical Center Vocational Services Business Advisory Council; & Dr. Chip Teel, Full Circle America – Technology in the Home Pilot Project
Employment First & the Primary Care White Paper
Family-Centered Transition Planning
Special Education
Transition Services in Maine & Overcoming Obstructions and Allowing Effective Transition to Independence
Homeward Bound Program & Full Circle America – New Model of Consumer-Based Services Using Technology and Remote Support
Transition and Vocational Rehabilitation
DHHS Office of Advocacy Program as run Through the Disability Rights Center (DRC) Effective September 4, 2012
Institute for Civic Leadership Practicum Group & New Hampshire’s Waiver Program
Maine Trust for People with Disabilities & the Southern Maine Advisory Council on Transition (SMACT)
Maine Adult Guardianship Services, LLC
The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)
DHHS Office of Developmental Services Overview
Disability Rights Center of Maine
Community Based Services Model in New Hampshire
DHHS Office of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Disabilities Services Budget, Plans, and Vision
Commissioner’s Office Update on DHHS Plans and Vision Including the Commissioner’s Reception of the Coalition’s White Paper on the DD Continuum of Care
Romy Spitz, DHHS - Office of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Disabilities Services Consultant on Deafness and Non-Traditional Communication
Employment, Transition, and Building Experience
Maine Wraparound Community Collaborative Board
The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Assessment Tool
Using Technology in Homes to Improve Independence and Autonomy
The Autism Society of Maine
Boothbay Harbor YARTS (music) Program - The Importance of Music, Expression, and Arts for People with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
United Cerebral Palsy of Maine – A Look at Housing Challenges and Some Exciting Solutions
A View of the Evolving Parent Originated DD Continuum of Care Subcommittee Effort
Views for the Legislature – A Discussion of the Legislative process, the Role of Parents, and the Health and Human Services Committee
Potential Impact of Changes in Executive and Legislative Branches of Maine’s Government
Along the Way Home – a Brief Movie Highlighting the Important of Section 8
STRIVE – Next Step Program
Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Services (EPSDT)
Access to Mental Health Care by People with Developmental Disabilities
Overview of the Maine Association for Community Service Providers (MACSP)
The Ending of the Pineland Consent Decree and its Implications & Summary of the Budget Outcome – What was saved, and what was cut, and how till it affect parents
Overview of the Governor’s Current Budget Proposal Released March 3rd & Where We Want To Be: A Coalition Discussion
Overview of the Current State of Pineland Class Consent Decree and the DHHS System of Care
Overview of the Current State of Pineland Class Consent Decree
A History of the Pineland Class Consent Decree
A History of Services to People with Developmental Disabilities in Maine
Trust Funds
Other Housing and Service Delivery Models
Strategies on Community Organizing, Family Work, and Collaboration
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Campaign for Economic Development, Energy Efficiency, and Affordable Housing through a Revenue Bond
Section 21 Funding Cuts Part 2
Section 21 Funding Cuts Part 1
Presentation by Michael Brennan, Candidate for Congress, discussing issues, insight, and strategies concerning housing and services
MaineCare Waiver Programs
DHHS Supportive Housing Meetings Part 2
DHHS Supportive Housing Meetings Part 1
DHHS Supportive Services and Housing Part 2
DHHS Supportive Services and Housing Part 1
PATH Process
History and Current Climate for Services and Housing
Youth Self Advocacy: The Key to Long-Term Success
An overview of a series of brief videos on autism and internet safety
An update on Maine’s plan to transition oversight of educational plans for preschool-aged children with disabilities from the Child Developmental Services (CDS) agency to the local public-school systems
An update on the Transition Liaison Project and the Community Resource Coordinators; Information on digital storytelling, including an upcoming digital stories workshop, and presenting Journey with Jake by Charmaine Daniels; The State of Maine’s Dental System for people with ID/DD.
2024 MDSOAB Annual Forum
An overview of the Benefits Counseling Services Program, including a pilot project in preparation for the Lifespan Waiver; Wrap-up of the Second Session of the 131st Legislature, including the enacted Supplemental Budget and what bills were enacted pertaining to the continuum of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
ThriveTogether Maine: This is a collaboration between DRM, SUFU, MACSP, & MECASA. DRM received a "Disability Grant" from the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, which is designed to support agencies to improve their systems to help survivors of sexual violence with disabilities. In order to make system improvements, there is a need to look at what the current system looks like through a needs assessment. Join members of the ThriveTogether Collaboration to learn about how to be a part of the assessment process.
An overview of OADS' housing-related initiatives and related discussion
It’s your life, your voice, your choice! Digital storytelling video sharing- It’s Worth the Fight, Alyssa Live, Chasing Your Dreams with Anna McDougal, Your vote, every vote!
An introduction to the Second Session of the 131st Legislature, including bills to watch, what to expect, and the ways people can advocate to effect positive change in the Legislative Session
Part 2 of the overview of the new history of website: Shadows of Pineland
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine Integrated Studies Program; Massachusetts General Hospital Lurie Center for Autism presenting on their Depression and Down syndrome study
An update on the transition liaison project and information about a new pilot to help inform lifespan support for transition-age youth and their families
Supported Decision-Making
An overview of the results of the First Regular Session of the 131st Legislature and what to expect in the Second Session
In-depth overview of the new history of website Shadows of Pineland; Overview of the 2023 Maine KIDS COUNT Data Book
An overview of WheelPad and how it is expanding options for accessibility in housing for people with disabilities; 2023 MDSOAB Annual Forum (part 2 of 2)
2023 MDSOAB Annual Forum (part 1 of 2); an overview of federal policy, storytelling as a tool for advocacy, and supported decision-making
Priorities and key bills related to the system of care for people with ID/DD in the First Regular Session of the 131st Legislature
Overview of Biennial Budget initiatives as they pertain to Children’s Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) and a review of the annual CBHS Report
Overview of the Governor's Biennial Budget as it pertains to DHHS-OADS and an overview of two Department bills in the Legislature; DHHS-OADS Quality Assurance
Overview of the ID/DD budgets over the past few years, as background for the upcoming Biennial Budget. And, an overview of OADS’ plan to improve access to behavioral health supports
Updates from the Maine Developmental Disabilities Council and various initiatives they have underway, including a survey on a toolkit about protecting rights and promoting choices
Crisis Prevention/Intervention Services (CPIS) Program Overview
An update on the transition work between Children’s Behavioral Health Services and the Office of Aging and Disability Services to optimize transitions; An update on the LD 924 Task Force, including the 2022 Report
An overview of the Benefits Counseling Services Program
Overview of the Recent Department of Justice (DOJ) Finding regarding Maine being in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Olmstead for the over-institutionalization of children with disabilities
2022 Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) Annual Forum
Wrap up of the Second Regular Session of the 130th Legislature; and a group discussion on The power to do nothing - the dark side of never doing anything you don’t want to do. A free-form discussion discussing how people can benefit from nudges from direct support staff, family members, and other members of the community to encouraging better decision-making so everyone has the opportunity to live healthy, full lives and be included in their communities
An update on the transition work between CBHS and OADS to optimize transitions
Maine Direct Care Professional Focus Group Report; and OADS Portability and Advancement Training Initiative Presentation and Listening Session
Sharing Life Experiences to Increase Understanding through Digital Storytelling - “Jay and Alan”, “Shoes”, and “Rock Life”; and LD 924 Task Force Parent-to-Parent Survey results
An introduction to the Second Session of the 130th Legislature, including bills to watch, what to expect, and the ways people can advocate to effect positive change in the Legislative Session
The DD Council’s new State Plan, National Core Indicators outcomes, and a preview of upcoming attractions regarding the ABLE act; and COVID-19 Continued Basics, including the importance of masking, social distancing, testing & vaccination, updates on treatment options, as well as ongoing social service supports
Part 2 of what’s going on at OADS, including additional updates and a question/answer session with Paul and Betsy
What's going on at OADS - an overview of OADS initiatives, goals and objectives, and its vision for the future
Results of the First Session of Maine’s 130th Legislature
2021 Maine KIDS COUNT Data Book
2021 MDSOAB Annual Forum
Continued discussion on the HCBS Settings Rule and Maine’s path towards compliance; Overview of STRIVE WorldWIDE, an online program that teaches independent living skills to individuals with intellectual disabilities and Autism
HCBS Settings Rule Change Panel Discussion - Implications for programs in Maine
Final Phase II Early Childhood Special Education Independent Evaluation Report to the Legislature, and related legislation and discussion pertaining to children with ID/DD in Maine and their needs
Person Centered Planning
An overview of Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Special Needs Plans (SNPs), including the differences between the various insurance options; 130th Legislature – Legislative agenda and priorities for the system of care for people with ID/DD.
Guardianship and reporting requirements since September 2019
Remote Monitoring - An innovative way to provide services
OCFS Transition Age Youth Roadmap Development presentation and discussion
OADS update and related discussion
Update on the Public Consulting Group (PCG) Study of Child Development Services (CDS)
Special Guest the Honorable Senator Angus King Jr.; 2020 MDSOAB Annual Forum
Overview of OADS’ submitted K Waiver to CMS, what this means for service provision for people with ID/DD, and next steps; Update on OCFS Children’s Behavioral Health Services including Transition
Self-Direction 102; It Takes a Community documentary
Self-Direction 101
Update on Children's Behavioral Health - OCFS
Planning for the Legislative Session and beyond; National Core Indicators Survey
An open-ended discussion with OADS
An update on Maine's Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), including discussion on the provider self-assessment, FAQs, and OADS' continued path forward to compliance
Update on OCFS
Update on the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule; Update on Voc Rehab and Employment Services in Maine
2020 Census; 2019 Maine Kids Count Presentation and Data Book
Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) 2019 Annual Forum
APS Update and related discussion; Portland Wheelers
OADS Update and related discussion
The use of police intervention as a means of deescalating behaviors and crisis intervention
Supported Decision-Making: An alternative to guardianship
Group discussion regarding transportation; Update on the State Legislature and bills to watch this legislative session
DHHS-OADS update on dental services
The Postcard Project; children’s services, including licensing regulations updates and information on Children’s Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTFs)
Due Process - Parent Grievance and Appeals Training; and Children’s Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) and licensing regulations update.
Maine's Long-Range Transportation Plan 2050
The last resort: Life in Maine’s Emergency Rooms. A follow-up to his recent article in the Bangor Daily News, Matthew presents his research on Maine’s crisis services system for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including unmet needs, and what happens when crisis services don’t meet needs.
Part two of the Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) 2018 Annual Forum
Part one of the Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board (MDSOAB) 2018 Annual Forum
Services for people with ID/DD, Ricker Hamilton, Commissioner, DHHS
Can Plans and other effective strategies for independence.
An overview of Shared Living, an eligible service under Section 29.
Creating scaffolding - Building a framework for independence.
Jonno's Place: a new perspective on disabilities. Examining what our community and the community at large needs, and where and how these communities can coalesce.
Part four of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland. An individual who lived at Pineland will share his life experiences with the group.
Part three: A review of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland, the Consent Decree, the Consumer Advisory Board, Community Standards, and other mechanisms put in place to ensure the system of care worked well.
Part two: A review of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland, the Consent Decree, the Consumer Advisory Board, Community Standards, and other mechanisms put in place to ensure the system of care worked well.
Part one: A review of the history of the system of care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including Pineland, and how people are working to archive and preserve this history.
Information about the SPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge) Research study; Review of the updates to the Service Timeline, completed by Jenessa Grant, NH-ME LEND program and the University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies.
Update on the 128th Maine Legislature, advocacy efforts, and ways the Coalition can take action; Review and discussion of upcoming draft proposed rule changes for Section 21.
Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board 2017 Forum
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) Section 21 Forum Presentation
Disability activism - Disability Activists and Allies of Maine
Per capita caps and their potential effect on MaineCare funding; Legislature 101 - How a bill becomes a law in Maine.
Finding your natural supports
An update on the Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) and a follow-up on the Blueprint for Effective Transition
The Direct Support Professional (DSP) shortage and steps we could take to address the issue
Proposed rule changes for Section 21 and Section 29, including how this may affect you and your family
Community Dental - How this service works in Maine
Speaking Up For Us (SUFU) and SUFU Strategic Plan; Proposed Section 21 Rule Changes
Olmstead Update – A review of Maine’s Olmstead Plan, progress made, and what comes next
2016 American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) Annual Conference overview: What is happening on a national level
Maine State Independent Living Council (SILC) and the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL); Affiliation with National Organizations; and Collaborating with OADS to build a stronger system--brainstorming some questions to increase the effectiveness of May's Forums for Individuals and Family Members
Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board 2015 Public Feedback Forums
Supported decision-making; Maine Developmental Disabilities Council five-year plan; and the Section 29 Toolkit.
Continued discussion regarding the Section 21 proposed rule changes, including specific examples of funding cuts associated with people affected by the proposed rule changes
Section 29 Toolkit
Launching Community Connect
A five year update to the famous “From Whence We Came” presentation detailing a history of the Continuum of Care over the last century; Maine Trust for People with Disabilities – Options for 1st and 3rd Party Special Needs Trusts
IBIS Remote Monitoring System for Virtual Telemedicine; Maine State Independent Living Council Three Year State Plan for Independent Living
Southern Maine Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative (ADI) Grant; National Core Indicator (NCI) Results
What's new at DHHS Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS)?
Laws pertaining to the Special Education System, and advocating to ensure needs are met within the system; Volunteer Correspondent Program (VCP)
Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) update and possibilities for Maine.
The effect of SIS rates on quality of service delivery & complex cases
Employment First; HUD Section 811 Grant Award; ABLE Act updates; SPROUT Film Festival
The future of DHHS and meet and greet with Gary Wolcott, Acting Director, DHHS Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS); Advocating for coverage of preventive dental care for MaineCare recipients of Section 21 and 29 services; and discussion and feedback regarding the proposed Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBW) changes.
Blueprint for Effective Transition
Parent-Centric Presentation on the New Service System
Career Planning Services and Issues with MaineCare and SNAP Annual Letters and termination of services
Continuing Discussion Regarding the New Service Structure (DHHS-OADS)
Transportation Services offered through LogistiCare
How Services Will Work: An Overview of the New Service Structure (DHHS-OADS)
Food Services/Culinary Arts Program - Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS)
The prevalence of Alzheimer’s in Down syndrome
Assistive Technology
Waiver Changes and the Biennial Plan & the Sprout Film Festival
Bomb Diggity Bakery & Bomb Diggity Art
Shared Living & the National Core Indicators
Planning How to Partner Around the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)
STRIVE Programs: STRIVE U, STRIVE Bayside, and Next STEP
Using Goal Analysis to Drive Improvements in Performance and Outcomes
Transition Coordination Between DHHS and all Other Systems
The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) – Soliciting feedback from parents and Coalition participants
Goodwill Lifeworks Community Support Program
Dignity of Risk
Waiver 101
Overview of the Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) and how Programming Leads to Transition and Dovetails with Adult Services
Technology – Where and how the rubber hits the road & SSI, SSDI, and Employment – How employment affects Social Security
Employment Wraparound Supports; Maine Medical Center Vocational Services Business Advisory Council; & Dr. Chip Teel, Full Circle America – Technology in the Home Pilot Project
Employment First & the Primary Care White Paper
Family-Centered Transition Planning
Special Education
Transition Services in Maine & Overcoming Obstructions and Allowing Effective Transition to Independence
Homeward Bound Program & Full Circle America – New Model of Consumer-Based Services Using Technology and Remote Support
Transition and Vocational Rehabilitation
DHHS Office of Advocacy Program as run Through the Disability Rights Center (DRC) Effective September 4, 2012
Institute for Civic Leadership Practicum Group & New Hampshire’s Waiver Program
Maine Trust for People with Disabilities & the Southern Maine Advisory Council on Transition (SMACT)
Maine Adult Guardianship Services, LLC
The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)
DHHS Office of Developmental Services Overview
Disability Rights Center of Maine
Community Based Services Model in New Hampshire
DHHS Office of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Disabilities Services Budget, Plans, and Vision
Commissioner’s Office Update on DHHS Plans and Vision Including the Commissioner’s Reception of the Coalition’s White Paper on the DD Continuum of Care
Romy Spitz, DHHS - Office of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Disabilities Services Consultant on Deafness and Non-Traditional Communication
Employment, Transition, and Building Experience
Maine Wraparound Community Collaborative Board
The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Assessment Tool
Using Technology in Homes to Improve Independence and Autonomy
The Autism Society of Maine
Boothbay Harbor YARTS (music) Program - The Importance of Music, Expression, and Arts for People with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
United Cerebral Palsy of Maine – A Look at Housing Challenges and Some Exciting Solutions
A View of the Evolving Parent Originated DD Continuum of Care Subcommittee Effort
Views for the Legislature – A Discussion of the Legislative process, the Role of Parents, and the Health and Human Services Committee
Potential Impact of Changes in Executive and Legislative Branches of Maine’s Government
Along the Way Home – a Brief Movie Highlighting the Important of Section 8
STRIVE – Next Step Program
Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Services (EPSDT)
Access to Mental Health Care by People with Developmental Disabilities
Overview of the Maine Association for Community Service Providers (MACSP)
The Ending of the Pineland Consent Decree and its Implications & Summary of the Budget Outcome – What was saved, and what was cut, and how till it affect parents
Overview of the Governor’s Current Budget Proposal Released March 3rd & Where We Want To Be: A Coalition Discussion
Overview of the Current State of Pineland Class Consent Decree and the DHHS System of Care
Overview of the Current State of Pineland Class Consent Decree
A History of the Pineland Class Consent Decree
A History of Services to People with Developmental Disabilities in Maine
Trust Funds
Other Housing and Service Delivery Models
Strategies on Community Organizing, Family Work, and Collaboration
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Campaign for Economic Development, Energy Efficiency, and Affordable Housing through a Revenue Bond
Section 21 Funding Cuts Part 2
Section 21 Funding Cuts Part 1
Presentation by Michael Brennan, Candidate for Congress, discussing issues, insight, and strategies concerning housing and services
MaineCare Waiver Programs
DHHS Supportive Housing Meetings Part 2
DHHS Supportive Housing Meetings Part 1
DHHS Supportive Services and Housing Part 2
DHHS Supportive Services and Housing Part 1
PATH Process
History and Current Climate for Services and Housing